Monday 3 September 2012

OBJ vs EEDRIS: "jagajaga is the height of Blasphemy!" - OBJ. "You be my Mugu!" - Eedris

Former President Olusegun Obasanjo
Former Nigeria's President just like he did in 2004, has condemned Eedris Abdulkarim's Jagajaga track again! He made the remark while speaking at a forum organized by Nigeria Leadership Initiative (NLI) in Lagos on Tuesday, where he also expressed his passion to see a better Nigeria.
In his words,
“one of the worst problems Nigeria is facing is disbelief"
“Nigerians no longer believe in themselves neither do they believe in their country.”
“That takes me back to that song ‘jaga jaga’. How could a sane man dare to call his country jaja jaja?”
“It is the height of blasphemy.”
“We are grooming our youths for tomorrow’s leadership and with such persons I don’t think the country can move forward”.

Responding to fmr President Olusegun Obasanjo when he heard about the remark, Eedris Abdulkarim took to twitter and typed,
" mugu!" This twit was in reference to Obasanjo's earlier remarks.
Mugu is a slang used to describe a victim of fraudsters.
Here's the tweet:

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