Wednesday 26 February 2014

Top 10 Signs He is a Violent Man

Every violent man radiate signs... and these are signs we try to push aside as just spur of the moment things, but if we take note of these signs and learn from them we can avoid the cases of domestic violence now rampant globally.

Here are 10 Signs that He is Violent

1. He is too Good to Be True During Courtship: Do not be carried away by his Prince charming appearance and attitude during courtship. He calls every hour just to hear your voice, picks you up at work, in short doing everything you used to do for yourself before you met him. Please beware!!!
2. Psychological abuse/Demeaning remarks: Does he always remind you of your faults always telling you you are no good, puts you down for your opinions, laughs at what you believe and makes you feel ignorant, stupid or worthless? Or even has demeaning words for other women like, 'slut', 'bitch' and more?
3. Temper Outbursts: Does he get angry easily breaking things or hitting at things and others, not necessarily you? He is a violent man, run!
4. Sexist Attitude: Does he have this opinion about the place of women? Like saying, 'Women should know their place!'
5. Rage for EX's: Does he get angry when talking about his Ex's, because even when your relationship matures, he is going to address you in like light!
6. Checking and Tracking: Does he insist on who you met, where and time spent?  Does he insist you should stop being around family and friends? That's slavery, leave him now!
7. Possessive Behaviour: Does he act like he owns you? Does he love you so much he can't stand you in the company of other people, even your family and friends?
8. Verbal or Physical Abuse towards public: Does he attack restaurant attendants, other drivers, people he comes in contact with?
9. Alcohol or Drug Abusive: Doeshe have a drug or drinking problem or even gets violent after use?
10. Abusive Background: Did he witness his father abusing his mother or sisters or he was even battered?

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