Wednesday 19 February 2014

Penis Cancer On The Rise!!! Check Yourself Today... Symptoms and Causes Are...

According to male cancer charity orchid, Penile cancer commonly reffered to as Penis Cancer hss increased by 21%! The research, supported by male cancer charity Orchid and led by UK penile cancer experts, says, “Penile cancer is rare compared to other male cancers and so statistics on long-term diagnosis and survival rates are hard to find.” says study author Manit Arya... This study presents the most robust and up-to-date data available on the incidence, mortality and survival trends in England... If found early, the chances of curing it are very high." An early diagnosis, says Orchid, can be missed by healthcare professionals or can be mistaken for a sexually transmitted disease or a benign skin condition. This can result in delays in getting a correct diagnosis and starting life-saving treatment. Asif Muneer explains: "Penile preserving surgery is now possible and men no longer have to undergo total or partial amputation of the penis. We also have better diagnostic techniques for the lymph nodes which has reduced the morbidity associated with groin surgery.”

Click HERE For Causes and Symptoms

The exact cause of penile cancer is not known, however the following have been linked to an increased risk:
  • Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) infection: HPV-related genital warts are associated with a six-fold risk of penile cancer. There has been a rapid increase in the incidence of genital warts in England and Wales in males from 1970 to 2009, with a 30% rise occurring during 2000–2009.
  • Smoking: A man’s risk of developing cancer of the penis is greater if he smokes. It has been suggested that smoking may act as
  • Uncircumcised penis: Penile cancer is much less common in men who have been circumcised soon after birth. Men who have not been circumcised may find it more difficult to pull back the foreskin enough to clean thoroughly underneath resulting in poor hygiene.
  • A painless lump or ulcer on the penis that doesn't heal
  • Bleeding
  • A red rash under the foreskin
  • Flat growths of brownish colour
  • Difficulty in drawing back the foreskin (phimosis)
  • Unusual smelling discharge from under the foreskin
  • Unexplained change in colour of the skin
  • Swollen lymph nodes in your groin area

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